Everything is difficult before it becomes easy.

We do a lot of drills that work on finishing at the rim within all of our different age groups. We use progressions to help players learn how to score at the rim. Often we start progressions by working on form and technique usually without defense. As players progress and master the technique we add defense until we progress to playing 1 on 1 live. Early on in the learning, it's easy for players and coaches to focus on the endresult, (scoring at the rim) rather than the steps and skills involved, to getting to the rim and finishing (the process). 

Too often players at all levels that focus overly on the outcome, without mastering the skills, steps, and decisions to beat a defender off the dribble (the process) have fewer opportunities to score at the rim and are less successful when they do get there. 

Focusing on an outcome rather than the process can also create added stress, pressure and frustration for a player all of which become barriers to performance and development. Help players shift their focus on the things they control. In doing so they will be developing more of their abilities and ultimately have more success. 

Tim Brady