Week 3
Day 5
Free Choice Friday
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Select your two favorite shooing drills
Select your two favorite ball handling drills
Select your favorite 1 on 1 drill
Strength & Conditioning
Jump squats (20 seconds on. 20 seconds off)
Jump squats (20 seconds on. 10 seconds off)
Mountain climbers (20 seconds on. 20 seconds off)
Mountain climbers (20 seconds on. 10 seconds off)
Jumping jacks (20 seconds on. 20 seconds off)
Jumping jacks (20 seconds on. 10 seconds off)
Jump squats (20 seconds on. 10 seconds off)
Mountain climbers (20 seconds on. 10 seconds off)
Jumping jacks (20 seconds on. 10 seconds off)
Push ups (20 total)
Jump squats (20 seconds on. 10 seconds off)
Mountain climbers (20 seconds on. 10 seconds off)
Jumping jacks (20 seconds on. 10 seconds off)
Push ups (20 total)
High knees (20 total)
Plank (1 minute on, 30 seconds off - 2 sets)